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De adolescente comencé un camio que cambiaría mi vida completamente. Empecé mi desarrollo espiritual y a salir de mi zona de confort al tener nuevas y diferentes experiencias.

Y este camino que todavía continúa me hizo crecer, desarrollar y cambiar tanto!!! 

Me convertí en maestro de técnicas de sanación como Reiki y Del Arca, aprendí masaje tailandés tradicional, meditaciones con cuencos de cristal y como leer los registros akashicos.

Después de vivir en grandes ciudades como Buenos Aires, New York, Miami y Berlin, sentí que era momento de cambiar y de profundizar en las prácticas que me estaban abriendo los ojos a la promesa de vivir de forma diferente.

Quiero mostrarle a todos las posibilidades que hay para crecer, desarrollarnos, cambiar y llevar una vida más balanceada, significativa y consciente.

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I want to illuminate the vast possibilities awaiting everyone—pathways for growth, evolution, and transition towards a more harmonious and purposeful life.

el comienzo.

Brian stands as a beacon of wellbeing, a seasoned facilitator who has illuminated the lives of hundreds globally, guiding them towards balance and profound significance.

Blending Science with Spirituality

Armed with a foundation in neuroscience and an illustrious 15-year journey in teaching and immersing in practices like yoga, mindfulness & holistic healing, Brian artfully bridges the gap between modern scientific principles and ancient wisdom. This synergy ensures that his clients experience transformative results.

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A Repository of Techniques

From the harmonising techniques of Tibetan Yoga, the energy dynamics of Reiki, the resonances of crystal and sound healing, to the profound insights of Family Constellations and Therapeutic methods—Brian's toolkit is diverse. His depth also spans Buddhist philosophy, psychology, intricate breathing methods, and the power of mantras.

A Global Impact

Brian's footprint is truly global. He has facilitated countless workshops worldwide, championing individuals from diverse backgrounds to unlock their latent potential and pivot towards a life devoid of stress and brimming with purpose.

Deep Dives into Ancient Wisdom

His spiritual foundation is rooted in the teachings of Tibetan Lama Tarthang Tulku. Brian dedicated two years at the Ratna Ling Retreat Centre, deeply engaging with Tibetan Buddhism, Yoga, and meditation practices.

Leading Conscious Movements

Beyond personal practices, Brian is a harbinger of conscious living. He co-founded Conscious Action, an initiative urging individuals towards intentional living. He also birthed You Being You, a platform dedicated to offering tangible pathways for heart-centric conscious living.

Since 2019 Brian has been teaching at The Auckland University of Technology with a focus on Mental Health, Wellbeing, Social Change & Sustainability.

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A Gallery of Fragments

Gallery of Self

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I belive in the transformative power of dialogue and connection.

By reaching out, you take a pivotal step in deepening your relationship with yourself and the world around you.

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